I have already added my youtube on the brave rewards account. In my brave account it shows that the youtube page is not verified.
The link to my youtube is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiUqYWRjlFLF9BNRwxDBU5g
!I have already added my youtube on the brave rewards account. In my brave account it shows that the youtube page is not verified.
The link to my youtube is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiUqYWRjlFLF9BNRwxDBU5g
On my end, your channel appears as verified – it may just be that the last time your browser downloaded the list of verified sites (locally), yours was not yet included in the database:
So what should i do rn? Any idea??
Nothing – you will be able to receive tips/contributions from other users right now. Your site will appear as verified again for you shortly. Additionally, while we’re on the subject, you should know that self-tipping is highly likely to get your account flagged by our fraud detection and you should not tip your own channels.
Yes yes i know that. I was just checking that if it is verified or not.