Using brave with ETH testnet

Description of the issue:

Are you using the (new) Brave Wallet or the (old) Crypto wallets implementation? The new brave wallet

How can this issue be reproduced? Add account

Brave Version (check About Brave): 1.39.111

Additional Information: I see that when I create an Ethereum account there is no option to use a testnet. However, there is a pull down under the account on the Buy or Send tab. So, I just want to confirm this, the same account number is used for the mainnet vs selected testnet activity, correct? In otherwords, one account, multiple networks, selected at activity time, correct? I had though the account would be network specific, but it looks like it is not, correct? Thanks in advance

Enable Show Testnets from brave://setttings/wallet/networks and then reload the wallet page to view the test networks.

For Solana and Ethereum you can use the same account on both Mainnet and Testnet and each will be handled independently.