Brave lately has not been automatically filling in the username & password, but forces me to click inside the username field. I can then select the username, and then the username & password are filled in. But is there a way to get Brave to automatically insert both?
I thought that this was because sometimes there would be more than one possible username associated with a url, but this happens even when there is only one option.
Description of the issue:
How can this issue be reproduced?
- go to website that requires username & password to log in
- see if both fields are automatically filled in
**Expected result: both username & password should be filled in
**Brave Version Version 1.10.64 Chromium: 81.0.4044.138 (Official Build) beta (64-bit)
I am on Beta, but this is strange behavior; its hard for me to imagine that this is something that is supposed to happen even in a beta.