Since the latest update of windows version 1.30.86-87 Uphold no longer integrates. Cannot sign in via verify wallet.
Error message: “Your request is still being processed, please wait.
Sorry there was a problem processing your request, please try again.”
I am facing the same problem recently I have changed my phone and downloaded brave Browser version 1.29.81 for Android but when I try to connect my uphold account to brave browser then it takes all the credentials but after filling up the credentials it still says verify wallet.
I’m having trouble downloading loading and uploading too… I have been considering if I should download some new data/media control app , so if anyone has any suggestions
I also reached the uphold limits because I bought a new pc and mobile phone. I connected Gemini on my new computer but I couldn’t connect Gemini on my phone. I want to connect my mobile phone to Gemini, how can I do it?
Brave team as a tool to disconnect you from all your devices (sort of reset) and then you can reconnect the devices you use.
How do they can do it?
I need that kind of help, but on my post nobody of team answered.
They can, they’ve done it for me. @steeven maybe? It’s Sunday today so…
I did post 6 days ago, but bassicly it was a different problem, because | can not verify, and now I can not verify due to used 4 slots. Maybe they work on it, but I just did not get any answer from them, but patiently I am waitning for their move.
That’s honestly probably, the farthest thing from intelligence, I have ever seen !!! What about possible future technological catastrophes and data loss , if said Wireless machine is linked to a machine that is no longer accessible except the other wireless connection and furthermore what if you have it linked like that specifically for security purposes and data link is cut and now impossible to re-establish it ? And why subtract from the consumers solid network, collapsing it ? When the purpose of a upgrade/update meaning add to not subtract from !!! Please yalls take away, I’m sure you can’t say I’m wrong.
Good Evening all.
I am finding a similar issue, where Braves prompts me to verify my wallet, which I do and get taken to the credential entry pop-up screen.
I complete this and it quickly closes and returns to th brave rewards page, still showing to verify my wallet. My balance shows as much lower than my uphold wallet.
Any ideas?
Thank you.
This explains it a bit at the end:
“We are working on improved slot management tools made available in the future for users with multiple devices, or who’ve lost access to a device for reasons outside of their control.”
They haven’t taken the time to implement this yet. I mean… why dish out half-managed service like this to people?
let me know how and who to contact to get this sorted for myself. I couldn’t find a single email id to get in touch with.
But the main issue still is, that this is the same machine where I had perfectly fine uphold integration with brave. And now after the brave update, it is somehow over the limit???
Unbelievable incompetency on Brave end, I must say.
Same here, i’m using my only one pc and i reached to the limit and now don’t wanna reconigze my wallet
i cannot sign in whit uphold
What I hear is that they are working on a user manageable way to select 4 working devices.
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