Unnecessarily changed the current tab UI

So now, instead of a glance to automatically detect which tab I am on because it is the same colour as the rest of the top of the bar… The current tab is now a 3rd colour and thus separate/divided from the rest of the top bar.

Who sat around with nothing to do for long enough that they thought this was something that needs doing?

FOr the love of all that is holy please change it back!

Signed up just for this.

Thank you.

Much love


Yo whatta gwarn?

Go on Google images and search “paper tab dividers” to see what they are supposed to look like. I.e. tab OBVIOUSLY same colour as page, because it is part of the page. You have over thought, detached from and lost sight of the objective. Sausages

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in url type brave://flags/
in search bar type ‘brave-horizontal-tabs-update’.
in the drop down menu select ‘Default (or Disabled)’.
Relaunch Brave browser.
It should be back to normal.

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Does anyone at Brave actually read this forum? Or is it just a tumbleweed

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