Undetectable virus

Description of the issue: For several days, my computer was infected with a virus (trojan) that has been stealing information from my brave browser (passwords, etc). I have already used the best anti virus and none have been able to eliminate it. tit also tries to access my mail and other sites.

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.

Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):

**Expected result:**I would like to know if I can receive help on how to eliminate it since my brave browser is the only one affected

Reproduces how often:

Operating System and Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu):
1.35.103 Chromium: 98.0.4758.102 (Build oficial) (64 bits)

Additional Information:

Download malwarebytes https://www.malwarebytes.com/ and kaspersky anti-virus program https://usa.kaspersky.com/. Malwarebytes has 14 day free premium plan, which will be useful in this case.

Turn off your computer, and then restart it. It is to remove/purge some RAM. Then download the above-mentioned AV. Disconnect your PC from home wi-fi and only use internet via mobile data hotspot.
Run these two programs. Do whatever they ask to do.

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