Security issue?

Whenever I open a new browser window (Windows 10), my security suite throws up a message telling me that the connection has been aborted due to

Threat name : Script:SNH-gen [Trj]
Threat type : Trojan
Process : C:\Program Files (x86)\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\brave.exe

What to do?

Run the antivirus and get rid of the trojan. Just so you know, Trojans come through the internet in a variety of ways. It’s showing Brave because that’s a web browser. It might have gotten to your computer through anything you’ve downloaded or installed on your device. It could be extensions, programs, emails, pictures, etc. It also doesn’t mean it had to come from Brave, as anything on your device that’s connected to the internet could have been a gateway.

Antivirus bin run twice, and finds nothing, even though it’s the software reporting it. Whaddup with THAT?

Download malware bytes antivirus program. They have free trial for 7 days.

Disable and remove all extensions. Malware maybe from an extension.

Probably inserted by a website via the cache, these occur in any browser. I’ve added the domain to Easylist for sake of security.

Would scan with malwarebytes, remove. The reboot the PC and re-scan to be sure its removed. Just be careful to disable the Malwarebytes browser extension, can be problematic.