Unable To Enter Text Into AWS SSH Terminal

Description of the issue:
When using SSH to access an AWS VPS, typing on the keyboard will not input text into the console. However pressing enter will create a new line.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Access your AWS console, for example a Lightsail server at https://lightsail.aws.amazon.com/ls/webapp/............ (not an actual link to a specific VPS instance obviously), and choose to connect via SSH.
  2. The terminal opens in a new window.
  3. Type something into it.

Expected result:
I should be able to type into the terminal. I can type in it if I use Firefox to SSH into it. For some reason Brave doesn’t allow me to input anything other than the enter key.

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Mobile Device details
Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra running Android 11.

Additional Information:

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