Unable To Cut & Paste Solana Deposit Address Into Brave Wallet

Briefly describe your issue:

I am trying to send ZBCN tokens that are currently in my Brave wallet to my Solana address in my Trezor Model T wallet. However, when I attempt to cut-and-paste my Solana address into the address field of my Brave wallet, it will NOT allow me to do this. Why is this??? If I have to manually enter it, there is a good chance I could enter an incorrect address. PLEASE HELP! Thank you!

What Operating System and Brave version are you using? (Menu --> About Brave)

macOS Ventura 13.6.6 & Version 1.65.114 Chromium: 124.0.6367.60 (Official Build) (x86_64)

Who is your verified custodian? (Uphold/Gemini/bitFlyer)
I don’t know

Are you in a supported region? (see here for list of supported regions)


Hello - What behavior do you see when attempting to paste? To clarify, you’re able to enter an address, but copy/paste isn’t working?

Hello Evan123, I am allowed to MANUALLY enter the address (which is very risky), but when I “right click” in the address field, the option menu that normally appears with the option to “Paste”, NEVER appears. I don’t have this issue on other crypto wallets, just Brave’s. Thanks for your assistance.

Are you able to CTRL + C/ CTRL + V, instead of right-clicking?

Evan123, I tried Control + C & Control + V in the address field, but the option menu still did not appear. I entered my Solana deposit address manually, triple-checked it, and sent it. However, when I click on the transaction hash in the Solana Explorer, I get the message “Not Found”. Do you know what happened? Or does it take more than 20 or 30 minutes before this is viewable? Thanks for letting me know!

Hello Evan123. Here’s an update. I tried resending my ZBCN tokens (Solana tokens) again, and according to the transaction hash on Solana Explorer, the result was “SUCCESS” this time. However, after about two hours, it still hasn’t shown up in my Trezor Model T wallet. I did TRIPLE-check my Solana wallet address, so an incorrect address is not the reason they are not showing up in my wallet. Do you know how long it will take until it shows up in my Trezor wallet? It is a new token, if that makes any difference. And Trezor support told me that the Trezor Model T wallet does support ALL Solana tokens. Thanks for any helpful advice you can give!

If you paste your Trezor SOL address into the SOL explorer do you see the tokens available under the Tokens section?


Hi Evan123, yes they do show up on my Solana address for Trezor, so they are not lost. Maybe it will show up in the Trezor wallet after a later date since it is a new token. Thanks so much for your help!

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