Typing youtube in address bar gives me a video instead of the website bc of autocomplete

Problem description: When opening a new tab with the cursor placed in the address bar. Typing “youtu” then tab autocompletes an entire URL of a specific video I watched once. In chrome and in edge, this will instead give you a search field in the address bar for youtube itself.

**Expected result: I get autocompleted to the main youtube page or it provides a search field for youtube itself in the address bar.

Brave Version( check About Brave): latest

Additional Information: n/a

Just find and remove the video from brave history. Whatever video you watched on youtube that shows up everytime you type youtube in the address bar. This usually happens when you visit and watch a video several times or visit a specific url of a website several times.

Removing the entry only makes it so the next youtube video is autocompleted instead. I was hoping there was a way to make it not autocomplete full urls and only the domain

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