Typing on YouTube while on Brave browsers in dark theme

When tying on YouTube dark theme it does not show up on the screen, I have to use note pad or Word to type and then copy/paste it into the YouTube section so I can see what I typed. I switched to white theme and it works but I like the dark theme better.

Version 1.73.97 Chromium: 131.0.6778.108 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Dark mode is typing text only in YouTube as a black color font

Black text in dark mode when typing text on YouTube.com

Thanks for the link however it still does not work and has something to do with the last Brave update because everything worked fine before that.

Close this because it does not seem to be Brave. I used another one of my YT account in YT dark mode and it worked, then I switched to my main YT account and then same problem in a different browser too.

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