Temp Fix for Black Text in darkmode [YouTube]

Ran into a bug recently were my YouTubes text when typing was black while in dark mode, saw fixes by getting things like a github extension to fix it and other things but these would bug out and remove themselves from my extensions. So after doing some research of my own i have found a fix that doesn’t require an extension.

  1. type “brave://flags/” into the search browser.

this will take you to what is essentially the Chrome://flags/ on chrome

  1. Search “Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents” then click Enable.

  2. Refresh browser and try the fix.

if it doesn’t work you can always undo the change and try others but this has fixed my issue, hell it may have even found the issue so braves techs can fix it. this is my first post so hopefully I did it right.


The brave techs cant exactly fix the issue. They can temp override in the browser, but that doesn’t fix the source of the issue. The issue at the moment is stemming from youtube itself, where it seems they have stuffed something up.

Good for you if the fix works for yourself, and hopefully they can figure out an override, but we still need to wait for youtube to get their things together

This works for me as well. It’s not ideal, because I have a filter list for Dark Reader, which I have temporarily disabled.

Edit: I have found the 4th from last option works best… Enabled with selective inversion of non-image elements.

It helped me, thanks dude! What’s also interesting is that this solved the problem in other browsers too (although I didn’t change anything in them) and even in phone! And then I returned everything to the default state, and the text still remained normal. Amazing!

only issue with this fix is it turns dark mode on to text boxes too. so if a text box has a white background with black text it is now grey background with white text.