Typing into address bar doesn't fully clear long urls

Hello! I use Brave on my Android, and recently I’ve noticed a small bug. If you type into the address bar while you’re already on a site, and if said site’s url is long enough to extend past the visible “end” of the address bar, clicking on the bar and immediately typing into it doesn’t fully erase the url, leaving some of its characters after what you’re typing. This doesn’t happen with urls short enough to fit in the visible space of the address bar, and it only happens when you type into the bar right after clicking on it (the X to fully clear it still works fine).

Here’s my current version: Brave 1.68.137, Chromium 127.0.6533.100

And here’s my phone info: Android 10; Build/QPUS30.52-23-13-4

Thank you!


I confirm the bug. It’s been annoying me for the last 3 months.

It happens only on long URLs, once you click the address bar the URL seems to be fully selected but when you start typing a part of the URL remains. Sometimes the same URL (for example on another tab) gets selected and removed fully and sometimes a part of it remains.

It seems like the last non-asci character is the culprit.


Link visited in the clip (added space after dots to avoid showing link preview in this post):
www . filmweb . pl/film/Klecha-2023-764385/discussion/2024+Filmu+brak+przez+spraw%C4%99+w+s%C4%85dzie,3432158

%C4% is the letter “ą” in Polish, notice that in the above clip this letter is rendered as “ą” in the address bar but when I copied the URL and pasted here it’s escaped.

Hope this helps.


Same issue here. Typing into address bar leaves a portion of the url behind.

EG this page url:
…Goes to:
…When I tap the url bar and try to type “linux.org” (as an example).

Are you using SwiftKey keyboard?

Same bug (564010)?

Wait you might be onto something…

I changed my input keyboard from SwiftKey keyboard to Gboard and the issue stopped happening

I wonder which of the two apps is causing this bug :thinking:

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Interesting bug — I’m not seeing it on my Android device and I’m just using the default keyboard built into the device. @seejaydee does switching to the default keyboard change the behavior?

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Swiftkey user too.
The bug does not appear when using default Samsung keyboard.

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Thank you for confirming.

I’ve opened the following issue:


Switching to Samsung’s keyboard makes the issue go away.

Interestingly, when tapping on the url bar using Samsung keyboard, the highlighted url is scrolled to the end. Using swiftkey, the text doesn’t move.

Can also confirm SwiftKey is the cause. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling it and it fixed the issue.

Reinstalling what ? SwiftKey or Brave?

Edit : it was SwiftKey, just reinstalled and the issue is fixed
If you are reading this and planning to do the same don’t forget to backup your data first!

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