Top sites list on main page is short, just 6 items, could be larger?

Description of the issue: Top sites list on main page is short, just 6 items, could be larger?
How can this issue be reproduced?


**Expected result:**I would like to have more top sites at that list, as with chrome.

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.20.103 Chromium: 88.0.4324.152 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Additional Information:

There’s an issues logged for this. Last time I heard, it’s in the works.

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I have searched but the topics were closed and i couldn’t see the answers. Thank you.

We’re a Legion of “Lions” begging for the same grace from Emperor Eich.

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It’s hard to believe this is still an unresolved issue. I mean what’s so hard to let us decide what sites we want on this page? Waiting for the browser to try and figure out, by trial & error, which ones we want, makes zero sense. Plus, why is there no means to pin any of the ones they do put on the page??? I’ve already had a couple I wanted to be there all the time, just vanish arbitrarily! What an absurd non-feature, and why don’t they fix it so it’s user-friendly, it’s pretty simple.


I agree completely, StevenCee. I managed to lose all my top sites, so I’m just waiting for Brave to fill them up again with who knows what. And I’d really love to be able to pin some of them!


Please, o Emperor Eich, take heed to this petition so longed for your humble vassals…

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Coming . . . soon . . . @TeodoroN @StevenCee


OK, I don’t really see how that window says anything about Brave finally doing this, but I’ll take your word for it, and hope it’s soon. What gets me the most, is when it finally has sites I want, but then I’ll go to open one, only to find it’s no longer there!! Huh? Hard to believe, even if you can’t select sites, that you can’t even lock in the ones they get right…

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@StevenCee the upcoming change:

Users will be able to set their own “favorites” ifor their “top sites”. Up to 12 tiles.


@eljuno This will happens on 23th of March?

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Yes, that is the targeted release date.


Closing this thread for now since we have a fix and targeted release for it.