Tier List for Ad Creators

Hi, firstly I want to say that Brave Browser is perhaps the next step in browsing and has been for a long time even though it has a small team. Now having said that I think my suggestion would absolutely pick up brave adoption which I know is the ultimate goal.

The way I see it, when a content creator goes to get an AD on the browser the company pays (anywhere from $500 - $1,000 or even $25,000) to generate an ad …I’m sure some of that cost is to pay employees and I know that some of that $BAT is used to fill the ad for viewing rewards…

What I propose is simple in it’s application and wouldn’t really cause Brave to change much.
If brave browser could have a tier list (I’ll give example below) for small time content creators to purchase $BAT and get an ad the adoption rate would skyrocket and you would have more “Attention”

Example of tier list:

Tier 1:
Generate ADs for $100/month with less exposure but getting the foot in the door. Ads could run 2 times per week MAX on the feed.

Tier 2:
Generate ADs for $300/month with Brave exposure getting 3 ads per week MAX.

Tier 3:
Any of the other packages that are $500 and up

With this example nothing is really required on the part of the company to do this other than set an algorithm for ad placement (I believe that’s in place already). And this WILL bring tons of small time creators into the space. The verification process you guys already have is sufficient enough to weed out bad actors and this cost little to nothing to implement but has HUGE implications.

This right after self custody rewards are rolled out and both Brave Browser and $BAT will see a new refreshing wave of adoption.