The preview page doesn't respect the inner navigation when opening it in a new tab

Description of the issue:

When browsing the web and previewing a new website (by long pressing on a link and selecting an option from the context menu) after navigating to a different subpage inside of the preview, the button to open that page in a new tab still redirects me to the original website instead of the correct one.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Navigate to a random website that contains links.
  2. Long press on the link and select “Preview page”.
  3. Navigate to a different website inside of the preview by clicking on a link.
  4. Tap on the top right button to open the preview in a new tab.
  5. Notice that the tab that is open points to the original URL instead of the correct one (the one that you navigated to).

Expected result:

After navigating to a different page inside of the preview, the button opens a new tab with the exact same link that is displayed currently.

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Brave 1.67.119, Chromium 126.0.6478.114

Mobile Device details:

Pixel 4A, custom ROM
Android 13; Build/TQ3A.230901.001

I’ve reached out to some Android folks about this as I’m not actually sure if this is a bug or the expected behavior of the feature.

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Please keep me posted. It would be quite surprising if that’s the case