The long road one must go down to delete a Brave 'profile'

The procedure for removing a ‘Profile’ isn’t very intuitive. Instead of having a ‘delete profile’ option in the Profile dropdown menu, you have to open the profile from its icon on the far upper right of the screen and click on the unlabeled gearbox to bring up the dialog box that shows all profiles.

And then…

There is no option to ‘delete’ that displays unless you happen to see the very faint pop-up that appears behind the profile icon (why there?), and only when the cursor is over the profile. There is no text displayed indicating a ‘delete profile’ (or any other) option. You have to click on the ‘3 dots’ and say a quick prayer (directed to the Brave Gods, not any others) to finally get to it.

Lots of steps to go through, considering that a ‘delete profile’ option could be right in the dropdown menu. How about having a go at that when possible, Brave Team? Your users will thank you. (At least this one will.) Thanks.

Brave Release / Mac OS Mojave

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