How to get rid of superfluous profiles?

I accidentally created a profile 2 and a profile 3.
Is there a function available to delete the superfluous profiles without having to delete Brave entirely? If there is one it’s not clear where it would be. And if not, such a function should be added in the near future.

I’m AFK, but IIRC:

  1. At the top right, click Profile icon
  2. Click Manage people
  3. Point to the person you want to remove.
  4. At the top right of the person, click More > Remove this person .
  5. Confirm by clicking Remove this person .

eljuno via Brave Community ha scritto il 22/01/20 alle 05:45:

[eljuno] eljuno
January 22

I’m AFK, but IIRC:

  1. At the top right, click Profile icon
  2. Click Manage people

There only is the option “choose profile” available…

  1. Point to the person you want to remove.
  2. At the top right of the person, click More > Remove this person .

I was hoping for, but there is nothing like that. Hence my problem. I
only can add or manage, not delete a profile (see screenshot)
btw: Brave forces me to a Dutch interface, no other choice. One thing
more to address to.

You can go to brave://settings/languages to set your Brave interface language.



Hope that help.

1 Like

eljuno via Brave Community ha scritto il 22/01/20 alle 10:44:

[eljuno] eljuno
January 22


Brave forces me to a Dutch interface, no other choice

You can go to |brave://settings/languages| to set your Brave interface

No you can’t, as this setting is solely about spellcheck. It hasn’t any
influence at the interface alas.

But first of all I would like to know how to get rid of the superfluous
profiles. Albeit it is beginning to like as a mission impossible…

Can you see my post directly here, in this forum, @Krisje ? Seems like you not see a screenshots I attached on my previous reply.

No, I don’t see any attachment, not even on the website.

What is your OS system language set to? On macOS, you can go to System Preferences --> Language and regions --> Apps and set custom language settings for specific apps. Try setting Brave to the language you’d like both here, and in the browser settings.

To remove profiles:

  1. Open the profile menu (click your profile icon next to the main menu)
  2. Then Manage profiles
  3. Hover over the profile you’d like to delete, then click the “three dots” icon on the top-right of the profile.
  4. Select Remove this profile.
1 Like

@Krisje, if you still can’t see the screenshot images in posts, when you’re in Profile Manager, put your mouse pointer over the top right corner area of a profile you want to remove. A stack of three white/gray dots should appear; click it and you should see a contextual menu including “Remove profile…” which you should select. You’ll get a warning with a “Remove This Profile” button that you click to remove the Profile.

I’m baffled as to why you can’t see images. What version of Brave and macOS are you running? Type brave://version in a new tab’s address bar and hit return to get a nice summary of that information. For example, mine provides:

Brave	  1.2.43 Chromium: 79.0.3945.130 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Revision  e22de67c28798d98833a7137c0e22876237fc40a-refs/branch-heads/3945@{#1047}
OS	      macOS Version 10.15.2 (Build 19C57)

In case you can see images in here, now:
Dot stack:



Mattches via Brave Community ha scritto il 22/01/20 alle 17:59:

[Mattches] Mattches Browser
January 22

What is your OS system language set to? On macOS, you can go to

System Preferences → Language and regions → Apps| and set custom
language settings for specific apps. Try setting Brave to the language
you’d like both here, and in the browser settings.

Actually, you only can change for the entire system, thus it can’t be
done for specific apps. [macos High Sierra 10.13.6]

To remove profiles:

  1. Open the profile menu (click your profile icon next to the main menu)
  2. Then |Manage profiles|
  3. Hover over the profile you’d like to delete, then click the
    “three dots” icon on the top-right of the profile.
  4. Select |Remove this profile|.

OK, now I’ve found it. I was looking into the top right of the profile,
whereas you have to look into the top right of the icon (pictogram). And
as you can see on the attached screenshot, it’s almost invisible.

About the language problem, I need to be able to shift swiftly from
Dutch <—> Italian <—> English UK <—> German. Rather easy to
perform in Firefox/Seamonkey ecc by means of about:config. Isn’t there
an option like that in Brave? For having to change everytime the
system’s language, it is pretty undoable.

Thank you for the support.

Hnk via Brave Community ha scritto il 22/01/20 alle 21:17:

[hnktong] hnktong
January 22

@Krisje, if you still can’t
see the screenshot images in posts, when you’re in Profile Manager,
put your mouse pointer over the top right corner area of a profile you
want to remove. A stack of three white/gray dots should appear; click
it and you should see a contextual menu including “Remove
” which you should select. You’ll get a warning with a
“Remove This Profile” button that you click to remove the Profile.

I’m baffled as to why you can’t see images. What version of Brave
and macOS are you running? Type |brave://version| in a new tab’s
address bar and hit return to get a nice summary of that information.
For example, mine provides:

Brave 1.2.43 Chromium: 79.0.3945.130 (Official Build) (64-bit)
OS macOS Version 10.15.2 (Build 19C57) |

In case you can see images in here, now:
Dot stack:

Yes, now it’s clear to me - and I would rather say it’s at the top left
fo the profile icon (pictogram).

Thank you very much!

I would instead look for a browser extension that can help perform the quick translations you’re looking for as the functionality is not currently available in the browser.

Mattches via Brave Community ha scritto il 23/01/20 alle 15:26:

[Mattches] Mattches Browser
January 23

I would instead look for a browser extension that can help perform the
quick translations you’re looking for as the functionality is not
currently available in the browser.

Indeed, and i’d done so already earlier, and found nothing of that
kind, nothing at all.

Incidentally, in setting the macos to ‘English’, the macos interface,
after a system reboot changes to English, the Brave interface to English
too, but the spell checker still default to 'Nederlands" (= Dutch).

Beats me. So, we aren’t ther yet :slight_smile:

Anyway, thank you very much for the concern about my problems.

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