Description of the issue: despite having some tab groups collapsed when I close Brave, and having the option “Continue where I left off” selected, all tab groups come fully expanded on Brave startup.
How can this issue be reproduced?
Collapse some tabs.
Close Brave.
Start Brave again, all tab groups will be expanded.
Expected result: Collapsed tabs should stay collapsed.
Brave Version: Version 1.64.109 Chromium: 123.0.6312.58 (Official Build) (64-bit)
I see. So is it expected behavior or a bug? If the feature request is valid, it suggests it’s expected, but someone in the other thread clearly expected what I expected (collapsed groups stay collapsed), so there is some confusion in my mind here.
Same here… tab groups will not stay collapsed if I enable the “Save group” option, otherwise they remain in the state they were last in. In my case, I am on Linux, so this is not Windows specific.
I have exactly the same problem. It would make my work a lot easier if the page groups would expand after launch. It may be a small detail but it would be a game changer for me.
I hope such a changer will appear in the browser soon :D.