Suspicious activity in Brave temporary files

Hello, I am posting here because my AntiVirus detected a suspicious file in the following path: C: \ Users \ username \ AppData \ Local \ BraveSoftware \ Brave-Browser \ User Data \ Default \ Cache . I don’t know what this is due to but I am thinking of a false positive, although my Anti-virus considers the file in question to be dangerous. I can optionally transmit the digital fingerprint if necessary. Thanks for your help.

This happens from time to time and is almost always a false positive. You might try clearing your browsers cache/data and see if the issue persists. Additionally, what anti-virus is reporting this?

Could be a malicious, inadvertent download; or malicious JavaScript from someplace. Or as Mattches mentioned, possibly a false positive.

In addition to the above you could try uploading it to VirusTotal and see what other AV engines think of it.


I actually came back here to suggest checking virus total but you beat me to it!

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To make it unanimous, I, too, am a Virus Total fan. Amazing free tool, and the output is delivered via intuitive UI.

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