Submit buttons not working after clearing cache / resetting Privacy settings

Description of the issue:
I recently purchased a Macbook Pro and wanted to put my favorite browser on it and had no issues with Brave up until when I try to login or submit things in multiple web apps. (Reddit, YT, Uphold, etc).

When I try to submit, nothing happens – I try to press enter to be safe, but nothing happens and when I open the dev tools and try to observe what happens on click, nothing is being logged.
Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.

  1. I go to link my Uphold account in New Tab
  2. Proceed to sign in
    3A Uphold remains static and does not proceed
    3B. I mitigated this by grabbing the Uphold URL, throwing it in Safari, signing in there, entering the SMS code and when receiving an email prompt to verify my new sign in it has me signed into another tab which allows me to skip the sign in while trying to link my Uphold account – however this issue is still persistent when leaving comments on YouTube / Reddit.
    Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):

Expected result:

Reproduces how often:
Very much a mixed bag, however Reddit and YouTube consistently remain static when I try to submit comments and other websites will remain static when I try to press the button to sign-in.
Operating System and Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu):

Additional Information:
On Brave 1.61.114 Chromium with my settings indicating Brave is fully updated.

Please advise, thank you!

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