I stopped receiving BAT to my uphold wallet for the months Feb and Match 21. It shows amount in rewards summary, but doesn’t get credited to the uphold account
Same, I haven’t received my bat for March 6
Coz they are mining with our hardware, they are not paying to anybody, all the bats decrease or just simply disapear. I found out today. They are using us and taking the money.
Same I haven’t received since November 2020
Hello people,
Looks like this is a known issue and is being worked on. There were some resolutions provided on few forum threads but did not work for me (Worked for other people).
Perhaps a solution could be reaching out to somebody to from brave support, maybe @steeven .
Here is a topic that could help with more information :
Hi Verito,
Could you please tell me more about this? How are they using our hardware to mine?
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