Status on Brave Publisher Payout Status Completed But I did not receive payment

Payment process on Brave Publisher Payout Status Completed But I did not get the payment?


Please DM the email linked to your account. Thanks!


done send it ser @steeven

Check my DM too, please :frowning_face:

Please check my DM. I have DM you a lot but no response

Hello Sir @steeven mine still not paid since July and August Aswell, at 11 August i check it’s processing, but since now the Balance still not moved to Uphold

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Me too, please help me @steeven

same thing with me didn’t get my July 2020 payment till now.

my mail is: [email protected]

udah di bales om DMnya ? ane DM dari kemaren gk di bales2…

hi @steeven please Answer my DM, Thanks !

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kaga, di read juga kaga om.

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wahh…jgn2 di PHP in nih hahaha…

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Hello. Did not receive payment for June in August, although they promised to pay in August. The payout pending status has disappeared. Look please. [email protected]

hello @steeven , i already sent you DM, please check it , thank you

Done sir @steeven please chek

Hi all - please send your emails in a DM, not in the thread.