SS23: smart add to bookmarks suggestions

Suggestion (SS): 23 Classification: Bookmarks
PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 5 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high)

i already reported you the auto bookmark feature based on specific rules i configure (see edge discussion: now another cool option is smart suggestions. If brave detects that all (or most) of the subfolders inside a




always contain same domain, but with different web addresses, you should show us the folder A once we click choose other folders (inside add bookmark). This means we don’t need to scroll every time to the folder A (or using other methods to reach folder A). You should show us directly folder A. Then we simply select a subfolder or we create a new subfolders.

PS: this only once we activate the option “smart bookmarks suggestions” inside setting. please avoid to add this as default setting.

Previous posts are only available at (or chromium before i started to write on edge), because i need to adapt such post to brave, before i can post it. New posts will be available at brave, chrome, edge and vivaldi at the same time (by removing available features in specific browser). Other 10+ chromium based devs have access to edge list too. I will use edge title, so it’s easier for me to track it.