Automatically Sort Bookmarks

I am loving Brave Browser so far and how all the bookmarks can sync seamlessly across devices. However, I use bookmarks quite a bit and have many folders within folders that I use to try and organise all the bookmarks.

I also like to keep my bookmarks in alphabetical order so they are easy to find.

Would it be possible to implement an “auto sort” setting option that would automatically keep all the bookmarks in sorted order? It’s quite a pain to have to open the bookmark manager each time, find the folder, and manually sort it. An auto-sort option would be brilliant!

That is also what i wanted

I have been using this feature for sometime in Vivaldi browser. Sort Bookmarks by URL. Please include this option in the Sort by “…”

I’ve looked for this type of suggestion for arranging my bookmarks. As it is, I first edit the bookmark, always found at the bottom of the list. Then I move the bookmark up, up, up, up, up… Until I place it alphabetically for ease of finding later. It’s a long process sometimes (ie. When the edited bookmark starts with an A).
A “Sort by…” menu would be great!

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