hace 3 meses no puedo sincronizar mi pc y mi celu y no hay novedades de arreglo ni siquiera parecia una prioridad para brave, quisiera saber si a alguien mas le pasa.
April 21, 2020, 9:08pm
Hola @manucho
La sincronización está temporalmente deshabilitada. Para más información, consulte:
(disculpas, la página está en inglés)
Summary: We have seen an elevated number of crashes in the most recent desktop browser update (1.3.113), posted on Friday, February 7, due to sync-related errors. We have temporarily disabled Brave Sync in the latest update as we investigate the problem.
What is the issue?
We started receiving reports from users who were encountering consistent browser crashes on launch after updating to Brave v1.3.113. The crash seemed to be linked to devices that were part of an existing Sync chain, pointing …
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June 20, 2020, 9:08pm
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