Settings Changed - No Advanced settings - Windows 10

Settings have changed. They do not match Brave Help. I know only have “Get Started” with categories of “Profile name and icon”, “Import bookmarks and settings”, “Brave is your default browswer” and On Startup options.

I Cannot Get to ADVANCED settings in Brave. What happened. How can this be resolved?

Version 1.38.119 Chromium: 101.0.4951.67 (Official Build) (64-bit) running on Windows 10

Hi and welcome to the community. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m a community member too. It is the beginning of the weekend and Brave community forum staff usually do not pop in on the weekends. Just thought I would see if I could help.

The documentation in the Help Center can be outdated. The settings are usually still available though. If you have a specific setting you are looking for, just type a keyword in settings search and it will pull up the settings with that keyword.

But just to be clear, are you saying your brave://settings page does not look similar to the image below? I am on windows, and this is what my settings page looks like.

The search icon (magnifying glass) is located to the far right in the top bar.

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