"Set as default browser" button bug

Hi there!

I think there’s a bug with the “Set as default browser” button in the Android app.

Whenever I press it it takes me to this link “https://brave.com/privacy-features/” instead of taking me to my Android browser settings.

I’m not sure if this is intentional, but I guess it isn’t.

Taking it technical:

Description of the issue: Set as default browser button takes me to a link instead of to my phone settings

How can you reproduce it: by simply clicking the button within the app.

Expected result: set my default broser in Android

Brave Version: 1.36.116

Mobile Device details: Moto G5 Plus, Android 8.1

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I can verify that there is such a bug. I am able to replicate it on my side easily. It happens just as you explained.

@Mattches, an issue on github will need to be created.

I’ve opened the following Github issue for this:

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