Selecting location in brave beta for brave rewards

Recently it showed to select country for brave rewards and I selected US even though my country is India. Would that be a problem? And what can I do to change it back to India.

@Alice2095 @Mattches

Can you tell me if your wallet is verified at this time?

How can my wallet be verified if I’m from India?

Because if you were using Gemini prior, you are able to connect again. India only is not supported as new browser/User with Gemini or for Uphold. We have MANY Users from India who were able to reconnect to Gemini though.

It often helps if you can just provide answers. So yours is, “no, my wallet is not currently verified.” Then we can ask another, “have you ever linked your browser to Gemini or Uphold in the past?”

That said, I’m kind of curious why @Mattches asked that question. And in terms of changing the country, that’s something that I’ve brought up and hoping they can better implement. At least yours is a good example to show them when we talk later on why they need to figure out a way for people to change when/if they select the wrong country or they move.

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