Royal Mail Postcode Finder blocked by Brave Shields

Royal Mail’s postcode finder page postcode lookup is being blocked by Brave Shields. If I have Shields enabled at all, when entering a postcode, the drop down box that usually has suggestions does not appear, nor do any addresses appear when entering a postcode and pressing enter. If I set the shields down for the site it operates correctly. Maybe this is normal for Brave, but the web page works fine in Edge and Chrome with Ghostery on blocking trackers…

Hi @fosautoparts,

Thanks for posting! Checking this out. What OS and Brave version are you running?

You are very welcome. I am using Windows 10 Pro Version 1809 (OS Build 17763.678) and Brave Version 0.67.125 Chromium: 76.0.3809.100 (Official Build) (64-bit).

Thanks for the report @fosautoparts , keep them up!

This should fix it. Give it 24-48hrs

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Good morning,
The shields still appear to be blocking Royal Mail’s address finder…

Hmm not sure why doing this, It is fixed in Brave Beta btw.

It’s no big issue as I don’t mind disabling the shields to look up an address. I’d hope Royal Mail didn’t have too many dodgy trackers… Hmmm… I’m quite happy that the eBay compatibility checker is sorted as it helps buyers get the correct part from us.

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