Right-click delete

It seems right-click delete is contextual (works in url bar) but many places it is not existent. Please add right-click delete for all context where some field might have characters for delete.

If there is a way to add this on user end that would be ok too but I haven’t found it configurable.

Thank you!

Maybe right-click delete is redundant in many instances but i find myself reaching for it and its not there, and is in other browsers.

What am i missing?

…same problem exists, highlight a word in this very textbox right-click delete is not existent.

Pleez fix dis ty

That’s actually an excellent question. I’m observing the same behavior on my end and frankly I’m not sure why this is the case. I’ve reached out to the team to see if anyone has an explanation and will subsequently open a bug report for the issue if required.

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