Context / right-click menu customisation

Let users add or remove options from the right-click menus in Brave, because right now, especially with various extensions that add items to these menus (hello, IPFS Companion), it can get bloated, to the point that I have a scroll button sometimes when right-clicking on my 1920x1080 monitor.

As an example, I’d be quite happy to never see the option to “create a QR code for an image” ever again, ditto “copy text from image” - but I imagine there are some people who use these options, and having something in //flags or //settings we can use to customise this seems like the option that would satisfy everyone. It’d be even better if context menu additions from extensions could be managed through this too, but at least some of them let you do it in their extension-specific settings.


I am in the exact same boat here…

When im trying to navigate around and go to RIGHT+CLICK to open in new tab, i am greeted with a massive menu that 98% of all the options i dont and will never need, so like the OP suggested, allow us to modify it please.

its getting really annoying and ridiculous to the point that its pushing me to quit BRAVE and i dont want to, but i will as this is a very bad annoyance to have.


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Context menus are also too huge lately taking up almost the entire screen vertically and I have to scroll to click on something…

I have touch UI disabled in flags, why are the context menus still have massive padding vertically?

I got here from a trail of automatically-closed requests for Brave to have keyboard letter shortcuts in the context menu like we have come to depend on in every other browser. Apparently there may be keys assigned but there is no visual indication of what letter activates which function, and some letters may be double-assigned. Other browsers have always shown shortcut letters with an underline. Can we please have this feature back, whether or not we can customize the context menus?

Thank you!

I would like to voice my support for the ability to customize right-click menu options.

My own setup isn’t nearly as bad as what some others have shown, but it is still every frustrating to not have the ability to modify what is shown in my right-click menu. I only ever need to see one or two things.

I understand if nothing can be done from Brave regarding extensions, but it would be excellent if we could at least hide individual functions native to Brave that we may, or may not, wish to see. Example:

  • emoji
  • undo/redo
  • cut/copy/paste/paste as plain text/force paste/select all
  • spell check/writing direction
  • block elements/inspect

In particular, I have no interest in ever using emoji, undo, redo, spell check, and writing direction. That’s a significant chunk of my menu choices.

I will point out, I am glad that at least for Leo there is an option to turn it off in certain situations. I just hope that a similar implementation is made for the other options, too!

Alternate suggestion:
In the even that none of these options can be outright removed from right-click, could there at least be a way to make a custom submenu of “useless stuff” that I can cram all of my unused options into? If I can just cut down on the clutter visually, it would be a step in the right direction. :slight_smile: