Two requests for tabs. For privacy reasons, I am moving to Brave, but Brave is not yet quite so user-friendly.
REMOVE X ON TABS: Twice already I have accidentally closed a tab because I fumbled the mouse position when selecting it. Some people like the X for closing the tab — for others, like me, the X is a real pest. Could we please have the option of removing it.
TABS AT BOTTOM: Could we please have the option of tabs at the bottom. Many people want this, many people have already written their reasons. Please implement it soon.
I created an account just to second these as options (not defaults, please). Having navigation UI so far away from each other is more than frustrating. It can even be painful on some devices. The back button is at the bottom, but I have to reach all the way across the screen to close a tab??? My hand doesn’t stretch like that.
Edit: Even having an independent “close tab” button at the bottom would solve both of these issues.
I also second these two requests:
TABS ON THE BOTTOM are much more convenient for me. First, there is more space because the Close, Minimise and Restore buttons are not there, and neither are the bookmarks. Secondly, the material on the webpage is better framed by rows at the top and bottom.
— Also, could there be less vertical space in the top two rows. And please, a Brave logo in the top left so that I know immediately that I am not using Edge or
X ON THE TABS has to go! I have several times closed important tabs by mistake because of this. They are very clumsy and annoying, and Ctrl+W does the job just as well.
By the way, we all have different habits with browsers, Both ‘tabs at the bottom’ and ‘X on the tabs’ must be options, not compulsory changes. Keep up the good work!
Hi y’all.
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I moved tabs to left side and this is better for now. Actually I really want to disable close button in tabs but neither chrome nor brave doesn’t listening us.
I agree with OP. I use vertical tabs and do not need to have an X on the active tab in collapsed mode. An option to turn it off would be useful. It’s not much harder to menu click the tab and close or use Ctrl+W. While at it, there may as well be an option to have vertical tabs at the right side or horizontal tabs at the bottom.
Just please if this is implemented, keep the default as X and top row for tabs and make this a feature that can be enabled (but not default!).
The problem is the collapsed-state tab icons that are fully covered by the close button on your active tab. You are bound to click onto the X accidentally, and you also cannot see whether your current tab is still loading or what favicon your website has. This is really a UX nightmare. If you really need a close button, it would be better suited sitting at the side of the tab in the sidebar, enabling users to see the current state of the actual tab.
OMG the X is so annoying, I cannot believe that it’s not a feature yet. I am a layman but it feels to be such a simply feature to implemented compared to the level of coding other things require.