Where to download:
Brave Desktop:
Brave Mobile:
Release Notes
- Dynamically generated PDF does not load properly.(#884)
- Update macOS Installer Graphics.(#1105)
- Can’t hide Bookmarks bar on New Tab page.(#1306)
- Add default search engine functionality to onboarding process.(#1548)
- Show full url like in Chrome.(#2192)
- PDF inside of a popup window does not load (works fine in Chrome).(#3119)
- Update extension dialogue text so it’s not as misleading.(#3231)
- Use same labels on Shields global settings and panel.(#3589)
- Printing from Google web apps (Docs, Sheets, etc) saves to PDF instead of opening print dialog.(#3694)
- Prevent sliding notification animation in omnibar for autoplay blocks. .(#3751)
- Brave is now intercepting media keys.(#3807)
- Remove PDF.js in favor of using PDFium.(#3846)
- Settings sections should be better ordered for popularity and complexity.(#4108)
- Different number of scripts blocked in main view and detailed view.(#4228)
- Ad Notification has a settings button in Gnome.(#4231)
- Disable field trials.(#4283)
- Adjust messaging (or remove) for side loading of extensions.(#4349)
- Add Vimeo support (tip/panel).(#4391)
- Cosmetic filter is not always working.(#4417)
- URL.createObjectURL() incompatibility.(#4424)
- Allow user to show/hide background images on New Tab Page.(#4523)
- Thank you banner no longer auto dismisses after about 3 seconds.(#4590)
- Implement Reddit Panel For Tipping.(#4745)
- Switching Ads off and then back on stops Ad notifications from showing unless you quit the browser.(#4748)
- Use new adblock-rust library.(#4793)
- Unable to fill out the online PDF’s.(#5033)
- Combine Trackers Blocked and Ads Blocked on NTP.(#5273)
- Amazon music shows outdated Chrome message even with shields down.(#3308)
- Downloads not being instantly displayed under “brave://downloads” until window resize.(#5330)