Reduce the size of the top bar by integrating the address bar and the tab bar in only one

It would be useful if the tab bar took up less space, directly integrating the address bar into the tab bar (as in safari), to better display the content of the pages (which is especially useful on small screens, such as Notebooks). And that in full screen the tabs are displayed automatically with the mouse cursor, as in Firefox.

This can be easily implemented by occupying the Open-Source browser “Wexond” which is based on Chromium.

Are you using macOS?
On Windows 10, the tab bar doesn’t seem too big to me. It would be difficult to click on a smaller tab.

I am using Kubuntu 20.10, on a Notebook with 11" screen.
What I mean is to integrate the address bar directly inside the tab bar, and that when put in full screen, they can be displayed with the mouse cursor (as in Firefox).