Reddit nuisance

Description of the issue:
asks to switch to reddit app

Exact URL of the website in question:

Screenshot of the ad as it appears in Brave:

Did the issue present with default Shields settings? (yes/no)

Does the site function as expected when Shields are turned off?

**Does the ad appear when using a Private window as well? (yes/no)**Yes

**What OS are you using when you see the ad?**Android 14

**Brave version (check About Brave):**Brave 1.67.136, Chromium 126.0.6478.186

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Has been fixed, still occuring?


You can always test this easily using Devtools/Inspect

This is with Shields off using Reddit

Click on the Device icon and Test it, If you dont see it, I think you fixed it, i did some testing and found Shields blocking something like the following stopped it

I cannot tell if that’s exactly the one but should be close…

Asking the reporter if they still see it here.

@cyanide30 will probably reply NO(Not seeing it anymore), while i have not checked reddit on Smartphone as i rarely access smartphone, I am confident if its not appearing on Testing here, It Should not be appearing on their device aswell.

Wait for Confirmation to know it for sure but as long as cyanide30 has updated components which is automatic process, the issue should be fixed, Your update worked.

In the meantime, there is a similar annoyance on website , I hope you will fix that one aswell

This appears as soon as you visit the site using Google Search or Manual Link visit and open the links added in Related Questions.

The way i use as workaround is opening the Questions Found in Related Questions as “Open Link in Private Window”.

No, thx u for your work!

Hello, I’ve been seeing this again over the past few days.

Using Brave 1.68.134, Chromium 127.0.6533.88 and Fanboy’s Mobile Notifications enabled and updated to version: 1.0.7943

The mobile login popup on reddit? Yeah a fix is on its way via Nightly->Beta

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