Hi. I just migrated from chrome to brave and it’s great. I removed many extensions such as ghostery, pop up blocker, ads blocker…
I have some questions:
1- I need a translation feature, in right click context menu to translate any page I want. Will this be added?
2- Google decided to remove HTTP://WWW from the domains in address bar, I’m developer and need to see complete address. So, I’m using suspicious site reporter to see the entire domain. Is there any settings in brave to do this that I can remove that extension too?
This extension is not working too. I have purchased this before inside chrome, now when I want to add it, it sticks on INSTALLING and then changes to add to brave again.
Can you confirm that those extensions work in other Chromium based browsers?
Additionally, we have a feature request open on our Github page too add the option to display the full URL:
We offer the option to install the Google Translate extension by default after installing the browser – this is our current workaround given that we do not have an in-house translation system set up yet.
Hey @Mattches , thanks a lot for your response. All of those extensions are working fine on Chrome browser itself. Except the Link to Text Fragment, the others are premium. But it seems there is no way to install premium extensions on Brave, or did I miss something here?
Thanks for the feature suggestion page.
Is there any roadmap or feature requests regarding to in house-translation system that I can follow up?
Thanks @Mattches, I checked the issue, it says Google extension installs, my problem here is that these premium extensions not install at all, I click on install, it freezes for some moments, then again show install button.
Thank you for the information. I will be opening an issue on our Github for the developers to review. Can you confirm for me what Brave version you’re using, as well as whether or not you’re on a Windows 10 or Windows 7 operating system?