PSA: Current FAQ

Tips for getting assistance

First Tip

Create support tickets when your issue falls under those categories. For example, missing Rewards payments should go under a Rewards Support Ticket. You can see more on that at Support ticket links

Second Tip

If you have created a Support Ticket, share the ticket number in your topic. This way if anyone from Support sees your topic, they might be able to check in on it. If this information is not provided, then you’re only going to experience further delays as they have to contact you to ask for information. Also keep in mind that with a support ticket submitted, most or all of your communication should occur at your email and not here on Community.

When you share, generally it should be on your own topic. Don’t crowd other people’s issues and distract from them getting help. Lastly, it helps to tag someone from Brave, such as SaltyBanana, Evan123, Steeven, or Mattches if it has been a while and you’ve not received any replies to your topic or to your email.

Third Tip

Support doesn’t work on the weekends. You’ll have less of a chance of getting an official response if you create topics then. You’re often best to be active here on the weekdays when they are also on and active. They try to respond quick, but often can take 2-3 business days to see things. If you don’t hear from them after 3-5 business days, try to tag them on it.

Fourth Tip

When responding to someone, it’s helpful to tag them by putting @ in front of their name, such as @saoiray. Not only does this help to clarify who you are responding to, but this also makes sure notifications are generated and lets the person know you’ve tagged them. Whether it be Brave Support, Community Ninja, or others…it’s easy to lose track of topics where we had been helping people. So having this tag often will generate a notification.


Remember that Brave staff handles hundreds, if not thousands, of issues each day. Just because you haven’t gotten a response does not mean they are ignoring you or don’t care about your situation. It can take time for them to get to you and even longer to research problems. They are only human and do their best. Yet this is also why it’s important for all the prior tips, especially the idea of providing as much information as you can on your issue. When this happens, they often will be able to resolve your issue once they get to you. But if you’ve not provided details or attempted troubleshooting steps, then that’s just going to delay things more and add a chance of your issue being “lost” amongst all of the others seeking help.