Hi, i have a problem because i havent recieve ads for lik two months i dont know if it that there is a problem with my configuration or a problem with you, i have active 5 ads per hour so whats happening. please help me understand
Hello @Juanmiguel777
check this one
A Note about Brave Ads
Before we jump into troubleshooting issues, it seems that there may be a slight misconception about the goals and the way in which the Brave Ads feature is designed. This misconception generally takes the form of:
"When I opt in to Brave Ads, my browser will show me ads whenever I use it."
This is not entirely true. In reality, this statement should be:
"When I opt in to Brave Ads, my browser will try to show me ads which are relevant to me."
The difference in wo…
do you have gaming mouse?
if you using windows 10 does focus assist on?
hope one of those help you and have a nice day
well thanks, but why is the option of 5 ads and i dont recive any thats what im askin. and i dont have a gaming muose. and what do u mean focus on assist on?
@Juanmiguel777 ,
Please read through our Ads FAQ and troubleshooting docs:
A Note about Brave Ads
Before we jump into troubleshooting issues, it seems that there may be a slight misconception about the goals and the way in which the Brave Ads feature is designed. This misconception generally takes the form of:
"When I opt in to Brave Ads, my browser will show me ads whenever I use it."
This is not entirely true. In reality, this statement should be:
"When I opt in to Brave Ads, my browser will try to show me ads which are relevant to me."
The difference in wo…
Given the many reports received of Ad notifications not appearing for some users, we’ve compiled a short list of [Windows] settings to check to ensure that the Ads platform and your OS play nicely together.
In this thread – please let us know if any of these steps resolved the issue for you (and if so, which ones?).
Check OS notification settings
Windows 10 has specific notification toggle switches that can be enabled and disabled across all applications, and for individual applications.
hi, i try them but everything was set on, that doesnt resolve it. the thing its that last month i recive one ad thats all not lije it used to be
hi, i check and it was on, so thats not it but thanks
@Juanmiguel777 ,
Focus assist needs to be turned off in order to receive ads.
on ro off cuz in another mail it says on??
ii asked you to turn it off
ok, i turn it off, but i have them on before and last year i recieve ads
April 18, 2021, 9:46pm
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