I’m having trouble downloading from some sites. I get a “Hotlink protection active. Download from original site.” error message. How can I fix this?
I’m using the latest stable build of Brave if it helps with anything.
I’m having trouble downloading from some sites. I get a “Hotlink protection active. Download from original site.” error message. How can I fix this?
I’m using the latest stable build of Brave if it helps with anything.
The site is https://uploadhaven.com/ I can’t download anything from it.
the problem that i can not test it as it say this
We’re sorry, but unregistered user uploads have been temporarily disabled. If you have an account with us, please login to continue uploading.
and this also
We’re sorry, but new account registrations are temporarily not permitted. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. If you’re a current user, though, you can still login. We hope to restore registrations in the very near future.
so i can not check the download option
That’s weird. I can still make downloads from that page with Microsoft edge but not Brave and I’m not a registered user.
that cause you have link to the thing you want to download but you shared only the link to the site not to the actual content
and i can not ask you for that link as it could be personal or private stuff
Random link with same problem of hotlink protection
the link you shared is error page link
let me ask one of the team to help you @fanboynz
and have a nice day both of you
The link was for the download of a file but once you enter the page it loads the error.
i got that but to check it i need a link to something i can download to see if it in the browser or there some setting
by the way did you tried to disable shield
I’ve tried to disable all security settings and the page still gave me the error message.
ok then let us wait to see what the team recommend about that and have a nice day
This is used by sites to prevent direct linking to a site, a server side issue (rather than an Brave or browser issue)
The issue only happens in brave. I don’t have the issue with any other browser.
Send me a link where it breaks in Brave, and I’ll test
Here’s a few:
Non of these links worked for me and gave me the hotlink protection error.
These links are just showing as “error” (in Brave and Chrome)
Using the link provided. I get the same Hotlink protection error on various browsers.
Testing in Firefox, Chrome, Edge and Brave
I don’t get the error on edge. Guess I’ll use edge for downloads then.