Pop up ads apears before watching a video on site

Description of the issue:
Pop up ads appear in groups before actually playing the episode you’re trying to watch. It’s one of those pop ads that keep coming with each touch of the screen

Exact URL of the website in question:

Screenshot of the ad as it appears in Brave

Did the issue present with default Shields settings? (yes/no)
Does the site function as expected when Shields are turned off?
It already has pop up ads I just use brave as a way to stop them on my laptop

Is there a specific Shields configuration that causes the site to break? If so, tell us that configuration. (yes/no):

Does the site work as expected when using Chrome?
The site has pop up ads to begin with

This site normally has ads before watching an anime but I have brave downloaded on my laptop and it stops them

Brave version (check About Brave):

Hello @ShawnW

Thank you for reaching out and for the detailed report and sorry to hear you’re having trouble with blocking ads. Our best recommendation is to use this link you can block ads using aggressive mode. If you continue with the same issue, please let us know and have a nice day! :wave:

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