Please help me i can not received bat

Hi please help me
Payments are completed mine is not!. I have 106 BATs but I only received 76 in my uphold!. Theres still 30 in my dáhboard. When can i received it?

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This is expected, if you only received 76 BAT by December 31.

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Please DM the email linked to your account.

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my email is: [email protected]
please help me

my email is [email protected]

Hi @gagabux95, your account was paid on the 11th. The newly accrued BAT is from this month.

Steven necesito ayuda, ni me pagaron los bat en enero, mi correo es [email protected] ayudame por favor

Is there a February Payout? Theres still 133 in my dashboard and, How come that there is still remaining in my dashboard if the referrals who confirmed after December 24th will not be credited in my dashboard And December 24th is clearly not a freezing days which is Jan 1-8? Why my payment not complete!???!!?!

I check my account is 106 bat. When can i received 30 bat.
So can i received it at next month?

I have sent you a message but haven’t seen you come across and reply

Hi @Castaneda, I’m not seeing a DM. I’ll send you one now. Thank you.

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