Please, an actually-useful Picture in Picture engine

My experience with Brave has been stellar on all platforms so far, except for one glaring problem:

Desktop Picture in Picture suuuuuuucks. I have to get a Chrome extension to enable basic functionality, and even that isn’t reliable.

Please, make Picture in Picture built in, triggered with a button on top of a video, able to be activated with any video like in Firefox (this includes ignoring the “no picture in picture” flags that some websites set).

AND able to run multiple PiPs at a time—Firefox seems to be the only browser that can do this, but I can’t use Firefox for a number of reasons.

This would make Brave the absolutely perfect browser for me.

It is…
When you’re on a page where something like video is playing, you’ll see a media button appear on top, toward where the hamburger menu appears. image

Clicking that gives options like:

And that gives you picture in picture.

You can click and drag it where you want, like how I repositioned it here:

Yeah, not an option that I’m aware of. It will show any media open on all tabs and you can choose to open any of them in Picture-In-Picture mode if you want, but only one visible at a time.

Problem is the music notes icon thing doesn’t pop up for a lot of sites. It really only works on bespoke streaming sites.

This page for example. Firefox can PiP this, but Brave gives me no option:

Trick is you have to get the videos playing first.

I know that. Even in the screenshot you just posted the PiP button isn’t there.

EDIT What the hell, yeah it is. Why doesn’t it appear for me? I thought that was the cast button

Umm, yes it is. Right above the pause button. As can see here, it even says where the main video thing would be: Playing in picture-in-picture.

I just edited my reply, just noticed that.

The music-notes icon still will not appear for me when I play the video.

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@DarthZiplock I’m trying to investigate and I did realize one thing. It seems related to sound. So when I went to the site you link and just tried playing it, I see what you probably have, that icon isn’t appearing:

However, I also noticed that the video player showed it’s muted.


Once I unmute it…the icon appears

Mind testing to see if it’s the same for you?

Ok, that does work, I guess I’m too deluded to figure these computer things out nowadays.

However, I still do not have a PiP button on certain streaming sites like ESPN. Firefox lets me force PiP anyway, Brave will not.

From my research it seems some sites have a “disable PiP” flag. Firefox will display a warning if the site has that flag, but still allow you to force PiP anyway.

Would really like to have this implemented in Brave.