Playlist Songs Out of Order and Some Deleted

Description of the issue: Some time after, I go to check my playlist and notice some songs are out of order, and some even deleted. This is annoying because if you’re looking for a specific song you can’t find it without searching one by one and even then you might miss it. Often times, you know where a song is but they seem to get out of order, sometimes very far from its original spot. This seems to happen after some time. Of course there isn’t a search in playlist feature either. Then some songs are even deleted, and I only noticed because my YouTube playlist which I specifically made for the Brave playlist had about ten more songs which I had to re-add. (I always add songs from my YouTube playlist to the Brave one immediately)

How can this issue be reproduced?
It could be happening after you don’t go on the playlist for a while. I believe it is a bug within your playlist as I am 100% sure I didn’t manually delete multiple songs or move them so far around my playlist. I don’t think its an issue with the music video itself, since I’m able to add it back to my playlist with no issues.

Expected result: I hope you can fix these couple bugs as I love your browser’s playlist

Brave Version: 1.74 (49)

Mobile Device details: iPhone 14 (iOS 18.3)