Brave Playlist Has Errors When Reordering Items

Description of the issue:

This is an example scenario. I have 3 songs in a brave playlist folder, call them A, B, and C, and they are in that order from top to bottom. If I start playing song A, then swap it and song B so now the order is B A C, when song A finishes, it won’t go and play song C immediately, it will play song A again.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Open Brave on IOS
  2. Open a Brave Playlist Folder with more than 2 items in it
  3. Start playing the top item
  4. Swap the position of the current playing song with another song
  5. Observe that the next song to play is incorrect

Expected result:

If the current playing song is the nth item in the playlist and then I make it the third, the song below the current playing song should plays next, not the song in the n + 1 position

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Version 1.67 (127)
BraveCore 1.67.127 (126.0.6478.126)
Device iPhone11,8 (iOS 17.5.1)

Mobile Device details

iPhone XR

Additional Information:

If I were to describe the error in a code sense, when the playlist plays songs, it iterates through the list, but doesn’t adjust the iterator when songs are rearanged

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Yep I can reproduce this error as well. And you’re right, the list for whatever reason isn’t updated dynamically — maybe it’s generated once and then it only plays what’s next according to the index/iterator.

Cool error (if such a thing exists). Opening a bug report for this now.

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Opened the issue here — thanks again for your detailed report:

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