Playlist obscures the screen when iOS 16 iPhone goes landscape

Description of the issue:
Until iOS 15, videos on playlist went full screen when iPhone was oriented to landscape. Now, the screen still goes full screen but it is partially hidden under the list, which now stays visible in landscape mode.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Play a video in playlist
  2. Turn device to landscape

Expected result:
Playlist goes away and full screen video keeps playing.

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.43 (

Mobile Device details
iPhone 12 Pro Max. iOS 16.1

Additional Information:
Primary language: English
Secondary language: Japanese

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Hello there @tsuyoski please accept my apologies for this inconvenience you’ve been experiencing with this error.

Could you please try deleting your cookies from the app to see if the issue is solved?

  1. In Brave, open the main menu, then Settings --> Privacy. Note: You can also select Menu --> History --> Clear browsing data
  2. Select Clear browsing data

Let me know if that works.

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