October 18, 2024, 1:39pm
Description of the issue:
Downloads icon disappears after given amount of time.
How can this issue be reproduced?
Download anything
Download icon appears in toolbar
Icon disappears if not accessed in set amount of time (time not measured)
Expected result:
Setting or flag to pin icon to toolbar for permanent access
Brave Version( check About Brave
Version 1.70.126 Chromium: 129.0.6668.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Additional Information:
This has been requested many times without any reason given (that I could find), as to why this seemingly reasonable feature can not be implemented.
There is reference to this being possible via a flag setting in the past , but I cannot attest to the validity of this claim.
I need to enable pinned download buttons in Brave similar to other browsers due to some users with special needs. What is the brave://flags attribute to set to enable this?
I might be a minority here that likes the download button(because everybody seems to like the download bar better).
Anyway, I like the download button, what I don’t like is it only shows up when download something or it just randomly shows up. Whenever I need to check my downloads sometimes the download button is gone. So my question is, is there a way to pin the download button so it’s always there.
[Dolownd Button]
I don’t think it’s possible or at least any more sorry, I’m not seeing anyway to change that from looking myself
It seems it used to be possible via changing:
but not anymore that option unfortunatly is no longer there
Remember though, you can always use KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS to get to your downloads quick with:
Windows: Ctrl+J
Mac: Option+Command+L
Or just PIN a TAB for: brave://downloads/
Sorry this doesn’t give you what you want but hopefully it might have helped
Currently the download button will only show on your little bar to the right of the address bar if you have recently had a download. I’d like the button to always be there because it’s a convenient way to access downloaded files, which sometimes I like to access later rather than right when I download them
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October 25, 2024, 11:44pm
This is what I do. I just keep it open and pinned all the time, works great.
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November 24, 2024, 11:45pm
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