Open Brave in New Window

Hey there!

I am using AutoHotKey to open Brave browser.

I am using something like the following:
Run, brave.exe

Is there a way to open Brave in a new window versus opening a new tab in an existing window?

Thank you!

Hello @DOC2, with a specific AutoHotKey command(combination of keys) you will be able to open a particular folder, program or website. for more information on how to do it, please check the following links:

Hope it can help. Regards.

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Thank you!

I’m actually using AHK to open Brave.exe and go to a specific website.

Unfortunately, doing so opens the URL in a new tab as opposed to a new window.
I need to open the URL in a new window.

Any suggestions?

What about

brave.exe "https://website/" " --new-window "

or if you want it as ‘an app’ this might work:

"brave.exe --app="

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