Open as window option is gone again

Hi, this doesn’t work anymore… “Shortcuts not Apps” is no longer in brave://flags. Any idea what to do now?

I second this. The flag is not available anymore.
Version 1.75.180

I’d be happy to learn about alternatives that can bring back the ability to install any webpage as an app (and not just a desktop shortcut, which is opened in a regular brave window as another tab).

This behavior should have been fixed here:

Can either of you tell me which sites you’re not seeing the “open as window” option on?

@Mattches I’m not seeing that on any website. But I do see option to install apps on everything. It works the same way on Chrome so it’s an inherited behavior. But looking back I am realizing when a lot of people were talking about this before it was more or less just to have the PWA.

But in seeing the flag that @Missagrite mentioned and me remembering some from the past, I’m thinking it is just the idea of hitting the checkbox so it would save the shortcut with the option to always open in a new window. Otherwise the shortcut just opens in existing as a new tab.

@Joc as Mattches mentioned, you can install all pages as apps now. It’s been like that for a while. You should see the button in your address bar, but if not then it’s under the hamburger menu → save and share → install (website name)


So just confirmed that the way this works now is that any page can be installed as an app/pwa, even if the icon doesn’t appear in the address bar. And any page installed as an app will open in it’s own window, so there is now no need to have that checkbox.

Essentially Install page as app = Create a shortcut [with [x] Open in a new window]. The functionality is the same.

For example, if I visit, there is no icon in the address bar to install it as an app. But if I go to Menu --> Save & Share --> Install page as app..., you can still do it and it will open in it’s own window, like so:

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Except PWA opens with no address bar, bookmarks, AI, sidebar, etc. But I guess just means if they truly were referencing it creating a link for it to open in new window, they just will have to edit the shortcut themselves to add. Guess nothing too major.

Right but you can still create a shortcut to a site and use it. It will just open in the browser as a new tab instead of a new window. The only extra step here would be tearing the tab off into it’s own window.

For me personally I think it’s much quicker and less complicated to simply save a site you want a shortcut for as a bookmark on the bookmarks bar, which can be opened in a new window from there directly.

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Hmmmm. Thanks for all the responses. I can confirm that “Save and Share” > “Install Page as App…” works (almost as expected).

I realized, it’s something else, which I don’t understand. Let me explain:

If I first “Install Page as App” from this page, all is as expected:

However, if I later try to install additional app from a “similar link”, I get this:

However, this again works as expected:

I assume it has something to do with a “similar” link already being an app.

Could it be, because the two links differ only on the lowest level, that Brave somehow ‘connects’ the two?


Right but you can still create a shortcut to a site and use it. It will just open in the browser as a new tab instead of a new window. The only extra step here would be tearing the tab off into it’s own window.

I’d like to be specific about this - perhaps also to help others who come here to be better understood. Of course we could open a bookmark, open in new tab, and tear it off. However this for me is not acceptable workaround, since:

  1. takes too many steps, especially if you do this (for certain pages) very frequently
  2. keeps the rest of the browser controls visible (ok, this is just nuisance)
  3. does not allow to have it’s own task-bar / dock icon and shortcut (this is major thingy)

My use case is the following. I have a handful of web-pages, where I spend a lot of time on (could be a very specific confluence page, perplexity, gmail…). I convert them to apps and have them pinned in dock. I also assign global shortcut for them ( And these “apps” also appear in the task switcher. So for me this is a huge productivity booster.