OK. I enabled the Brave AI chat flag and it works just fine, but another question

I notice there’s also an AI chat history flag.
Why enable it, or not?
Thank you.

This is intentional. Taken from the FAQ:

Where can I see the history of my chat with Brave Leo?

There’s no way to review past conversations or delete that data—it isn’t stored in the first place. Prompts—and Brave Leo’s responses to those prompts—are immediately discarded when a chat is closed. Personally identifiable information (PII) is never transmitted to Brave servers or any third parties.

OK, so what does the history flag do?

Sorry — I actually misread your question.

The flag is there for a feature that is to be implemented in the future. You can see it here — basically users will be able to save chat history locally (not server side) if they so choose. You can see it on the roadmap here:

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